Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve read everything about Action Petz, the Park Rules and you are (almost) ready to Sign Up, but you still have a question. That’s great! We have gathered below a list of our most frequently asked questions, however, if yours is not on the list, please feel free to contact our centres and a member of the team will be happy to have a chat with you.
Below is what you can expect to during your first visit to our centres
Once you have signed up your pooch online clicking here (please remember to do this before visiting us). You can expect:
- A warm welcome upon arrival for you and your dog
- We meet and greet your dog. We will say hello to him/her and make sure they’re comfortable in our space.
- Our friendly experienced staff will ask you to complete a comprehensive questionnaire about your dog’s temperament and history
- We’ll check your dog’s vaccination record (you must bring this on your first visit) or call your dog’s Vet to check your dog(s) is up to date with vaccinations/boosters.
- We will carry out a temperament check on your dog to satisfy us that your dog is not showing signs of aggression. This can include stroking your dog, offering a treat/toy, meeting other dogs in a controlled manner.
You can expect this process to take at least 15 minutes (sometimes longer). Once completed we’ll show you around, explain you the park rules and once your dog(s) has visited the toileting area, that’s it!
Your dog is now an official Action Petz member and is free to play, run, jump, make friends, do zoomies and generally have a brilliant time.
- To bring your dog’s up-to-date vaccination card on your first visit.
- To be ready for your team to perform a temperament assessment on your dog.
- To understand and observe the Park Rules.
- To have a great time!
No, there’s no need to book to come and use the Play Park, however, you are required to register your dog online for the Play Park before your first visit. You can do this clicking here.
After you have registered online, just turn up to your chosen centre (don’t forget to check opening times as they vary between centres) with your dog’s vaccination card. On your first visit, we will need to see your dog’s vaccination card and assess your dog’s temperament.
For Doggy Day Care, Training Classes and Dog Grooming, booking is essential, please contact your preferred centre for details.
Yes. We are a public space in which dogs of all breeds, sizes and walks of life mix. Additionally, our licensing and insurance conditions require us to only allow dogs that are up-to-date with their vaccination schedule.
Vaccinating your dog allows him/her to prevent or fight diseases. Most of these can be life threatening such as distemper, hepatitis, and parvovirus. Even the treatments available to ease the symptoms are of limited help.
Current rates of infection of pets with serious disease are low in the UK, this is mainly because most owners have their pets vaccinated. This means that, the more animals that immune to a disease, the more difficult is for a disease to spread.
To visit Action Petz, your dog must be up-to-date with the following vaccines:
- DHPPi: this vaccine covers distemper, canine hepatitis (adenovirus), parvovirus and parainfluenza. We accept dogs that are vaccinated up to every 3 years.
- Lepto (2 or 4): this vaccine protects your dog against leptospirosis. We accept dogs that are vaccinated every year against leptospirosis.
- Kennel Cough: please check with your Action Petz centre of choice. Different Councils will require for your dog to be vaccinated with the vaccines specified above as well as Kennel Cough. This is particularly prevalent for Dog Day Care; licensing requirements vary across the UK and, while some licensing authorities might require that dogs using our centres/day cares are vaccinated against Kennel Cough, some might not.
You can read more about vaccinations for dogs in the UK here and here.
No. In order to successfully assess your dog for the park and/or Day Care, we need you to live with him/her for at least six (6) weeks. This a safety precaution as it allows you to know your dog better and us to assess him/her accurately. Please note you can still access our training and behaviour services as well as dog grooming.
You’ll need to bring your dog’s up-to-date vaccination card; you won’t be able to register without it. All dogs are required to have a full course of inoculations plus annual boosters. Although recommended by vets and Action Petz, the Kennel cough vaccine is not compulsory to access our Play Parks (however, it might be required for Day Care); whether to use it or not, it is left at the dog owner’s discretion. In addition to this your dog must be in good health, deflead and dewormed. We also recommend you carefully read our Park Rules and accept our Terms and Conditions.
For the Play Parks, yes; intact males and bitches are welcome, however:
- Bitches in season are not permitted.
- Intact males displaying exuberant behaviours such as mounting and excessive marking, will be asked to visit the park at quieter times.
For Doggy Day Care, intact/non-neutered males older than 6 months of age are not allowed in Day Care. Intact/non-spayed bitches are allowed in Day Care, however, not while they are in season.
No. Our Park Rules indicate that, for health and safety reasons, if your dog is still recovering from surgery or injury and has stitches/bandages we won’t allow him/her to visit. Action Petz is a dog park in which dogs will be running at high speeds and interacting with each other; this means that there’s a chance -albeit small- of a stitch coming out or the wound getting infected. You must wait until your vet gives your dog the all clear to visit the park. For bandages the same principle applies.
No. Our Park Rules indicate that, for health and safety reasons, your dog is only allowed to wear a regular collar and/or harness. If your dog wears an electric/shock collar, a prong/pinch collar, a choke chain collar or a half check/martingale collar you are required to remove it and replace it with a regular collar or harness that can hold your dog’s ID tag before entering our premises. You can read why these kinds of collars are banned at our centres: Action Petz guide about dog collars..
At Action Petz we do our very best to welcome everyone. During your first visit we will get to know your dog and ask you to complete a temperament questionnaire about your dog. If your dog has any behaviours that are deemed as unsafe/innapropiate for the park environment we can devise a plan for a safe introduction to the park area. This may involve referral to a specialist behaviourist and we may advise that an indoor park environment at this stage is not the best place for your dog.
Our Doggy Day Care is a fun and stimulating service that your dog will absolutely love!
During his/her time with us your pooch will be able to socialise, play and interact with all kinds of dogs (puppies, seniors; tiny ones, big ones) in a supervised, caring and structured environment. If you decide to use this service your dog will have to be assessed by a senior member of our team in order to determine if he/she is suitable for our day care environment.
To book your dog for a Day Care assessment, please ring your preferred Action Petz centre and ask a member of our team to guide you through our assessment process.
Important exceptions:
- We require you to have lived with your dog(s) for at least six (6) weeks before being assessed by us.
- Entire/non-neutered male dogs that are six (6) months of age or older, cannot utilise the Doggy Day Care service.
We encourage every owner to make sure their dog uses our outdoor toileting area before using the indoor park; we also have a system for Doggy Day Care dogs which includes allowing them to use the outside area first for toileting. If your dog toilets inside we have cleaning stations dotted around the park with all the necessary items to remove any traces of wee or poo. You must make every effort to train your dog to toilet in the outside toileting area only. We use non-toxic enzymatic cleaners to remove any bacteria, viruses, smells and stains; we also provide our visitors with poo bags and hand sanitiser. The centres also undergo regular deep-cleaning sessions.
Please note that during your visit you’re entirely responsible for picking up and cleaning after your dog, if this presents any difficulties do not hesitate to contact a member of our staff.
As little or as long as you want! There’s no time limit for play sessions. For first-timers we always recommend a visit not lasting more than 40 minutes as the park can sometimes be a very stimulating environment for newcomers. For puppies, senior dogs and dogs recovering from injuries we do not recommend more than 20-30 minutes per visit, you can learn more about safely exercising puppies here.
Some of our parks would benefit from some further modification regarding disabled toilets and ramps. We aim to ensure all of our parks are fully accessible. Please contact your preferred park to discuss access, we are happy to help.
In order to provide a free service for all dog living in foster placements we will need to check (via documentation or direct contact with the rescue centre) that you’re current a foster dog carer.
Please bring proof of vaccination and expect us to talk to you about your foster dog’s temperament and level of sociability before you are permitted entry to the indoor park. Please note: we require you to have lived with your foster dog for at least six (6) weeks before using our services, this timeframe will allow you to know your dog better and our team to assess your dog accurately.
Yes. However, children must be extremely closely supervised by their parents/guardian at all times. Children are not allowed to climb on any of the parks’ equipment, make use of the ball pits or any other apparatus that is intended for dog use.
Please remember that first and foremost we are a dog centre, and more than likely there will be dogs of all sizes running around at high speeds; at busier times it may become a dangerous place for children. Some centres have a designated children’s only area with toys and books in which your children can spend their time and have fun while your dog exercises, if this isn’t available, you are required and solely responsible of keeping your children safe and under control.
Any child under the age of 14 years may be asked to remain in the cafe/children’s or safe area at busy times. At less busy times, children are permitted into the dog park however they must stay in very close proximity to a parent or guardian, never on their own and they’re not allowed to play with/jump/sit on any of the park’s equipment that is designed for dogs.
The presence of children in the dog park is risk assessed, please be aware that a member of staff may request your child/children to leave the main park and move to the safety of the cafe area at any time.
At Action Petz we do our very best to ensure all our events are inclusive to all dogs and their owners. Our out of hours events always take place after our centres close to the general public; this way we do not restrict access and provide a disruptive service to our members.
Our out of hours events are a nice extra, and bring something a little different for everyone to enjoy. However, these events a involve a great deal of preparation for our teams. Additionally, keeping the parks open for a few extra hours after we close to the general public means that, as a business, we are required to spend more on electricity, water, general consumables, and of course, remunerating our hard working teams for the extra hours worked.
At Action Petz we like to keep the conversation flowing and will always do our utmost best to ensure you and your dog always have a positive, fun and rewarding experience at our centres. If we, however, are not to your expectations and wish to give us feedback, please e-mail us here. If you wish to raise a complaint please fill out our Complaint Form and email us said form here. Our team will address your suggestion/complaint within 3 working days and we will contact you to ensure there is a satisfactory resolution.
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